Digital Detox – Why Is It Important?

Lifestyle, Self Care, Social media

Do you ever scroll through Instagram for what feels like only 10 minutes, only to realise that an hour has gone by..? During this time you felt ok when you saw some pics and not so great when you saw others..?

Unfortunately we can often find that we compare ourselves to others even when we try not to, some pictures can leave you feeling inspired and others can leave you feeling deflated!

Sometimes I find that I need to take a break, have a digital detox and take a step back from social media as otherwise it can get quite overwhelming and very time consuming (scrolling through my feed and catching up on pictures of those who have kindly ‘liked’ or commented under my pics). During these times I avoid opening my app and limit myself to only a couple of YouTube videos a week. I make sure that I get an early night, spend some time in my home getting organised (cleaning and de cluttering always makes me feel refreshed and re charged) and I read more! I am currently reading The 5am Club by Robin Sharma, if you haven’t read this book then I highly recommend that you do as it is amazing!

I think that it is important to ask ourselves this question:

If there was no distraction of social media and you had more time for yourself what would you do with your free time?

Would that activity make you feel happy and fulfilled?

Then why are we not doing more of that??

Why are we spending so much of our time trying to collect ‘likes’ and watching people that half of the time we don’t even care for, why are we watching them live the highlighted version of their life on insta??

We can get so caught up in the fikkle things (how many followers that we have or how many likes per picture do we have) that we forget to focus on what really matters and that is to focus on our children, our home, our surroundings and our friends! We need to create a space for ourselves that we feel safe, fulfilled, full of joy and inspired!

Recently I decided to have a digital detox and take a step back from instagram, give myself a break and focus only on filming and editing my videos – something that I thoroughly enjoy to do and I am passionate about! 

I love social media but even I need a break now and again! After a few weeks off I am feeling fully re charged and ready to go again.

What do you guys do to recharge yourself if ever you are feeling drained?? I would love to read your comments below?!

Thank you so much for passing by 🥰

Layonie Jae xx