Enjoying Quarantine Lifestyle

haul, Mummy life

No stressful commute to and from work, spending quality time with my cats and my children, the ability to work from home and have extra time to relax in the evenings.. these are just a few reasons why I am enjoying my quarantine lifestyle.

I understand that it isn’t easy for everyone and that some people have really struggled during this time but fortunately my children and I feel safe, secure and happy at home. I have been working on my youtube channel, keeping on top of my home organisation and yes ok, maybe I have been guilty of a little online shopping.. there is an ASOS haul up on my channel now full of summer dresses if your interested?

What have you been doing to keep yourself safe and sane during quarantine? Have you enjoyed this extra time spent at home?

If I could give anyone 3 tips on how to stay positive and enjoy their quarantine lifestyle, I would say:

  • Avoid watching the news everyday!
  • Pursue those hobbies or that passion project that you never usually have the time to start
  • Go for a walk at least 3 times a week!

I am strict about the amount of news that I consume and I allow myself to watch only a couple of short clips of it on YouTube that give a quick debriefing of any covid-19 updates, anymore than that and it can make me feel anxious and upset. I use most of my free time and days off from work to work on my passion projects AND I have never been one for exercising but I now have a new exercise routine!!!

I power walk around my local park 3 mornings a week and oh do I feel so much better for it!! And then on the other 4 mornings in the week I practise yoga! I know I know, you can’t be bothered with all of that and honestly I felt the same way BUT what can I say, quarantine has changed me and I actually enjoy it now and you may do too!! You should give it a try..

I hope you found this blog post helpful? 🥰 Or I at least hope it put a smile on your face?

Thank you so much for reading & stay home – stay safe!

Layonie xx

Top 5 Inspirational Books For Kids

Books, Christmas Gift Idea’s, haul, Lifestyle, Mummy life, shopping

Are you all prepared for Christmas? Have you nearly finished your Christmas shopping?

Christmas is just over 2 weeks away and if you are looking for any final presents or stocking fillers for your children then I have my Top 5 inspirational books for kids. It is important to teach our children all about self love and self confidence, I encourage my kids to read books about positivity, here are some that I recommend you get for your children or any kids in your family:

Top 5

  1. What I like about me by Allia Zobel-Nolan
  2. Who was or Who is – History books by Who HQ
  3. The Law Of Attraction For Kids by Jennifer Quaggin
  4. Thinking Good Thoughts About Me by Mary K McGranaghan
  5. It’s not what you’ve got! by Wayne W Dyer

I bought all of these books from Amazon!

You can watch my video below for a detailed review of each book that I have listed above:

I hope that you found this post useful, let me know if you buy any of the books listed as I’d love to hear what you thought of them too!

Feel free to comment below any further books that you suggest I buy for my children!

Thank you for passing through!

Layonie x